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Monday, March 3, 2014

How to Remove Carpet Stains

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Today I have a cleaning post for you.
Let's start out with our before and afters, shall we?
Looks pretty good, eh?
I first saw this carpet cleaning method over at DIY & Crafts and I pinned it for a time when I would need it.
Well as you can tell in the before picture, I needed it :)
This was our apartment in California. This was our family room area, just after walking in through the front door.
When we first moved in they had just cleaned the carpets.
It looked beautiful.

Then, slowly over a period of a few months these black spots just started appearing.
We didn't realize until much later that the big palm tree-type trees outside our apartment would drip a sap-like substance that would get tracked into our apartment. We would always take our shoes off when we got home, but most of the time the shoes would just get tossed and end up on the carpet...hence the spots. This was the only area in the apartment that looked like this, and it was so annoying because it was the main area people would see when they came over.
One day I just decided to tackle these ugly spots and it worked!
What I used:
1 part vinegar
2 parts water
a damp cloth
an iron
Mix the vinegar and water and pour into a spray bottle.
Spray the spots you would like to remove.
 Place a damp cloth over the spots, put your iron on the steam setting and place over the cloth.
Let it sit for about 30 seconds.
 And that's it!
There were a few spots I did have to spray and steam a few times to get the stubborn stain out, but for the most part it was quick and easy.
Here are a couple more before and after shots for you.
 And one more :)
Since moving to our new place I haven't had any spots pop up anywhere yet, but if they do, I know how to handle them :)

If you found this cleaning post helpful, make sure to check out my other cleaning posts:


  1. This will get me out of a lot of trouble!! Thank you so much for sharing, hehe. c:


    1. Very informative.

  2. awesome! we have some bad stains too, I'm totally going to try this. Thanks!
    Sisters, Sisters

  3. I'm in the process of moving and will be trying this! Thank you!

  4. Will try this ~ thanks for sharing! Juila

  5. wow that is impressive! Thank you for sharing your sweet blog at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop ♥

  6. Great tip! Pinning! With pets and kids, we've always got mystery stains that I need to clean. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I never knew this method but it works well ! Thank you for linking up with the I'm proud of that link up !

  8. That's cool. Always fascinating to see what spot on carpet cleaning can do to redeem what it would seem is an insurmountable mess. It's often a matter of perception, but mostly it's concrete methods and alternatives. Pick the ones that work for you.

    A New CC

  9. Amazing! To think of it, one could really make use of the steaming function of iron in cleaning. Now, if ever my steamer breaks down, I'm sure to apply that nifty technique. Hahaha! Thanks so much for sharing that DIY feat! Happy homemaking!

    Nathan Riley @ Steemer

  10. It’s great that you were able to make use of that DIY cleaning method. A lot of posted DIY’s on the web are not only useful, most of them could also be fun at times. That being said, you really did a great job on removing the stains from your carpet; it definitely looks way better than before. Thanks for sharing these helpful tips!

    Bennie Dixon @ SafeCleanWandsworthUK

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  16. nice tips! Thanks for sharing!! Everyone will surely gain a knowledge from this, carpet shampooing we can also do it in all by ourselves but its not that easy , but for the some sure and good treatment heres also the carpet shampooing cleaning services, btw you can also visit our website offering services in affordable prices. Keep it up!! God bless!

  17. Cleaning carpets at home does not save cost. Your carpet will eventually lose its shine and grace without professional tools and chemicals and the conclusion will be buying a new carpet.
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  19. Your article is very nice, such useful information is very helpful for me. Want to improve the appearance and extend the life of your carpet? Contact us, we provide professional carpet cleaning in Flint on the Lake and able to remove stains that other cleaners leave behind.

  20. Before regularly beginning to evacuate a rug recolor, it is critical to comprehend a couple of basic floor covering care rules. It is fundamental that you never scour at a upholstery cleaning boca raton as it can destroy the rug filaments. It is similarly as significant that you tidy up spills on floor covering when they occur. In the event that the spill has had room schedule-wise to drench through the floor covering and soak the rug cushion, it is considerably more hard to evacuate both the stain and any conceivable smell that may go with it. Continuously begin by smudging at a stain with a spotless, wet cloth. Wash the cloth oftentimes and continue smearing until the stain begins to vanish.

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  22. Wow! Thank you for sharing your ideas and very useful information if u want to know more about carpet shampooing cleaning services singapore , you can also visit our website offering services in affordable prices. Keep it up!! God bless!!

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  25. Nice article. Highly recommended. The thoughts are clear and well explained. Thankyou for sharing your work, truly worth reading. On the other hand, if you’re interested in , rug cleaning service, feel free to visit our website. Thankyou and Godbless!

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  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Carpets are indeed one of the most important things that we can find in our homes. These can make or break the look the whole room. That's why I think hiring a carpet cleaners is important.

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  66. cleaning home carpets yourself can give nightmares. I prefer having done it by professional cleaners for removing dust and stains without getting them damaged as these are really one the expensive utilities in home. However these tips are definitely helpful if you want to do it yourself.

  67. Before you begin office carpet cleaning Singapore, start by way of finding out your service area. Do your homework and look for areas within your metropolis that offer the most attainable for business. By doing some research online, you can discover population statistics, giant employers in your area, and locations of business laundries and dry cleaners.

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  69. When you are doing laundry and dry cleaning, never try to free yourself from the stain. You can also set the color or throw the color out of the fabric. But do not blow but rub if the fluid is poured into the cloth. Water or soda club flushing is usually OK.

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  72. In today’s era, due to the day by day busy schedule, people are hardly ever left with time to do housekeeping and center of attention on other essential issues, like, washing dishes, washing clothes, etc. hence, they employ people to help them to raise out their frequent day by day business especially in laundry delivery because it’s too much of a hassle to go and pass by to store for laundry.

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  80. There are many laundry and dry cleaning and are all providing good services but there is always edge between them so might as well you should take time to consider it.

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  82. It’s really an ease to a person to look for good laundry delivery for their clothes or garments matter.

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  88. Very interesting, good job and thanks for sharing such a good blog.
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  89. One of the best tips when you're searching for a company offering laundry and dry cleaning is to set the expectations on what kind of laundry and dry cleaning you need.

  90. One of the best tips when you're searching for a company offering laundry and dry cleaning is to set the expectations on what kind of laundry and dry cleaning you need.

  91. You should be aware of the dry cleaning delivery service that the company offers before doing so if you intend to dry clean.

  92. curtain cleaning service singapore is really in demand as many individuals in singapore have acknowledged the beauty of cleaning the curtains.

  93. rug cleaning services singapore is very popular. Where many of the Singaporeans look for a trusted laundry company who offers an A+ quality service with a very affordable price.

  94. curtain cleaning singapore is really in demand as many individuals in singapore have acknowledged the beauty of cleaning the curtains.

  95. curtain cleaning service singapore is really in demand as many individuals in singapore have acknowledged the beauty of cleaning the curtains.

  96. curtain cleaning service is very popular in Singapore. Where Singaporeans are well known in acknowledging and giving significance to their curtains.

  97. One of the best tips is to set an expectations on what kind of products you want for your laundry while searching at companies offering laundry.

  98. Just try to free yourself of the tag when you have a laundry service. You can change the color and remove the color from the fabric as well.

  99. If you have a laundry services, do not try to free yourself from the dye. The painting may also be modified or the paint may be discarded. Nevertheless, when the water is pumped into the cloth, blast not but brush. Normally, flushing water or soda is good.

  100. Because of the busy schedule every day at this period, people hardly ever have time to keep up their homes or concentrate on other essential things like washing dishes, changing the beds, etc. And they collaborate with others to help them improve their regular day-to-day jobs, especially while providing laundry delivery.

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  103. When you have a laundry service, try to clear yourself of the mark.

  104. One of the best tips for laundry and dry cleaning firms is to decide what products you want for your laundry.

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  109. One of the best tips for laundry and dry cleaning firms is to decide what products you want for your laundry.

  110. When having a laundry service, never try to free yourself from the stain. You can also set the color or throw the color out of the fabric. But do not blow but rub if the fluid is poured into the cloth. Water or soda club flushing is usually OK.

  111. Do not try to free yourself from the stain when you have a laundry service delivery Singapore. Also the color can be changed or the paint thrown out. Nevertheless, blast not but rub when the liquid is poured into the tissue. Flushing water or soda is usually all right.

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  116. Is it your problem finding a company who offersrug cleaning services? Don’t worry cotton care saves the day! Cotton care offers the cheapest but excellent services for blinds.


  118. Very interesting, good job and thanks for sharing such a good blog. Are you looking for the services of Carpet Cleaning Brookfield ? Why not take a look at the professional services of Milwaukee Area Carpet Cleaning to clean your carpets!

  119. The selection of items you want for your washing is one of the best tips for laundry and dry cleaning firms.

  120. One of the best tips is to anticipate what type of washing items you want when looking for laundry companies.


  121. Due to this busy schedule, people hardly ever have time to remain at home or focus on other essentials such as washing dishes, changing beds, and so on. And they collaborate with others to better their regular daily work, particularly when laundry delivery.

  122. It is very convenient for a man to look for better clothes or laundry service delivery.

  123. Dealing with carpet stains needs proper care and concern. Stains may be created due to the different factors like wax, blood, vomit, food, ink, etc. Different types of stains require special care in the cleaning process. By the way, thanks for the tips.

  124. Cotton Care provides you an onsite sofa cleaning service regardless of the material and style your sofa has. We promise to give you the best upholstery cleaning service quality service to keep your sofa comfortable for you.

  125. Choosing the items you want to wash is one of the best tips for laundry and dry cleaning companies.

  126. Because of this busy schedule, people hardly have the time to stay at home or concentrate on other things like laundry, changing beds, etc. And they work with others to enhance their daily work, particularly when providing laundry delivery.

  127. laundry services are a great aid to those who find it hard to wash their clothes due to space scarcity. The firms stock, cleans and iron the clothes and shoes of the people and then send them to their customers. Such solutions clean and normally ship the clothes on time.

  128. It is very convenient for a person to seek better clothing or laundry service delivery.

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  130. Having trouble finding a company that offers rug cleaning services? Don’t worry cotton care saves the day! Cotton care offers the cheapest but excellent services for blinds.

  131. Are you one of the people who are looking for a quality office carpet cleaning service dont worry cotton care will help you. They offer a quality but budget friendly office carpet cleaning service.

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  133. Before you start to offer the laundry service delivery, start by exploring your area of operation. Stay in Singapore. Check and conduct your research in the best business places in your area. Some online research is available for people, giant employers in your field, washing and dry cleaning areas.

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  137. If you have a laundry services, do not try to free yourself from the dye. The painting may also be modified or the paint may be discarded. Nevertheless, when the water is pumped into the cloth, blast not but brush. Normally, flushing water or soda is good.

  138. Dry cleaner with organic solution applications and in the lack of air is dry cleaning system. These are closely checked for stains until the clothes are dry cleaned. Stains must be properly pretreated before dry cleaning, in general, of these refined products.

  139. If you're going to dry clean, you should be aware of the dry cleaning service singapore the company offers before doing so.

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  151. Great post Michelle! Normally I just get my carpets cleaned by a professional carpet cleaner and it's not too pricey! But, I'm going to give your solution a try next time I notice a stain in my carpet in between these professional cleanings! Looking forward to more of your cleaning tips and tricks :)

  152. Great post Michelle! Normally I just get my carpets cleaned by a professional carpet cleaner and it's not too pricey! But, I'm going to give your solution a try next time I notice a stain in my carpet in between these professional cleanings! Looking forward to more of your cleaning tips and tricks :)

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  155. One of the best tips, when looking for companies offering laundry delivery is setting your standard on what kind of services you want for your laundry.

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