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Monday, January 20, 2014

Snow Paint

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Last year I saw this idea for snow paint on Pinterest, but we were living in California at the time, so I put it in the back of my mind.
Well, since we moved from California I knew I wanted to try this once it snowed.
The first snowfall we had my son REALLY wanted to build a fort.
So that's what we did.
It looks smaller in the picture than it really is...
The next time we went to play in the snow my husband wanted to take my son out to play, so we made some snow paint for them.
It's SO super simple!

I found a 2-pack of these squirt bottles at Wal-mart.
Just drop in a few drops of food coloring.
Fill with water.
And paint!
We first started out only doing two colors, but that idea flew right out the window when they realized how much fun it was.
My husband and son came in multiple times asking for refills and new colors :).
The snow paint even evolved into a 'colored snowball fight'!


  1. I love this! We had our first snow today!
    I am giving away a Starbucks Verismo Brewer on my blog and would love if you would come by and check it out!

  2. I love this idea.....I just wished Portland had more snow!

    Thanks for linking up tonight on the Bloglovin' Blog Hop! Have a great evening.

    Happy Kids, Inc

  3. Such a fun idea! We live in Florida so no snow painting for us but I do remember doing something similar as a kid when we lived in NY.

    Thanks for joining the mixer this week :)

  4. LOVE it!! Simple and easy and I KNOW the kids will have a blast coloring their snow. I'm featuring you tomorrow on Gingerly Made! Thanks for linking up.

  5. What a great idea!! Thanks for sharing! Following from the Happy Kids Inc. Blog Hop!


  6. We did this last year! It was so much fun!!

  7. I love this idea Michelle - so much fun for kids and adults! I wanted to pop on over to thank you for linking up to our DIY Sunday Showcase Party.
    Marie @ The Interior Frugalista


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