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Showing posts with label mummy cupcakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mummy cupcakes. Show all posts

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween cupcakes

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I decided I had to do one last Halloween post. 
Get it right in there before the holiday ended :)
It seems like the weekend before Halloween has as much celebrating as the day itself.
I call it Halloween weekend.
Last night we attended a trunk-or-treat.
If you've never been to a trunk-or-treat before,
the adults will line up their cars, usually in some sort of large circle, with the trunks all facing inward, and the kids will go from trunk to trunk for candy.
It was a lot of fun, and my son got soooo much candy.
It's ok though, we will help him :)
About half-way through the trunk-or-treating my husband called dibs on the regular sized Kit-Kat bar,
I will mostly go for anything in there.
Not really Whoopers or candy corn, but other than that I'm in!

People went all out and decorated their trunks.
I was impressed, there was some very creative decor.
There was also a chili cook-off and desserts.
I volunteered to bring a dozen cupcakes, and this is what I came up with.

I saw the mummy idea on Pinterest forever ago, and I always wanted to give it a shot. 
The eyes are just M&M's!
What did you do this Halloween weekend?
What candies do you search for in your kids buckets? 
It's ok, we all do it :)
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