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Monday, August 6, 2012

Grocery Store ABC's

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So, a couple of awesome things about this post;
1. It's educational
2. It keeps your child/children busy and in the shopping cart while you shop, and,
3. it involves stickers, so they'll love it!
Last year, when my son was about 2 1/2, I wanted to find a new way to teach him his ABC's.  Whenever we would go grocery shopping, he would hold onto my list and pretend to 'read' it, and help me shop.  I thought it would be cute for him to have his own 'list'.  My Grocery Store ABC's idea was born!  Each week before we would go shopping I would draw a few pictures of things that started with the letter we were on.  While we were shopping my son would have to point out the items on 'his grocery list' (as he called it), and then he got to pick out a sticker to place by the item he found.  He was also doing pretty well recognizing letters, so I would show him the letter we were looking for, and if he found it in a word on a label, or anywhere else, he got an extra sticker on his paper.  He loved searching for letters, and I was really surprised at how well he was paying attention to words and looking around.
By the way, I am such an awesome artist ;) don't you think?


How do you keep your children entertained while grocery shopping?


  1. Michelle! You are so cute! oh my gosh that fudge brownie looks to die for! I must make some! You must try yogurtland someday if you have never been! It is amazing! This summer they celebrated "hello Kitty" so they had collectable spoons :) they are just cute colors :)

    1. Ha ha thank you! You need to make some, they're super easy and yummy! I've heard good things about yogurtland, I will put it on my list of things to do, it's kind of a long list, but when I do go you'll be the first to know :)

  2. This is an awesome idea! I think my son would love this so we will most likely be making one :)

  3. How uncanny! I just did a similar post recently. However it is for a bit older kids. I wish I did this when my older one was learning her ABC's. You have put in so much effort! Wow.

    Turkey Mom

    1. Ha ha that's too funny! Trips to the grocery store with little ones in tow, and keeping them entertained is a hot topic for sure :). I liked your ideas as well, I also let my son put things on the scale, and let him count out the amount of produce or different things we need. Thanks for visiting!

  4. What a great idea! I am always looking for new ways to keep my FOUR kids entertained at the grocery store. They get so bored! And can't stop touching everything. This is a great way to keep their minds AND hands busy. Thanks for sharing!

    1. That is quite the task, you are very brave :) hopefully this helps, thanks for visiting!

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  7. That’s such a creative and fun way to teach ABCs while shopping! Keeping kids engaged makes errands much easier. Similarly, Grocery Delivery for Seniors provides a convenient way for them to get essentials without the hassle of shopping. Both ideas make grocery trips—virtual or in-store—more enjoyable and efficient!


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