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Monday, June 22, 2015

Superman and Wonderwoman Felt Mask Templates

About 2 weeks ago I received an email from a woman wanting to purchase some super hero masks.
Along with some of the masks I have previously shared here on the blog, she had wanted to see if I was able to make some Wonder Woman and Superman masks as well.
It was something I knew I could tackle, so I got to work.
I was super excited with my design and idea, and then I went online and saw a lot of different variations, with quite a few similar to mine, and realized my design wasn't really unique.
Oh well :-/ I was proud of it.
You can't really change up super hero images too much!
So along with the other templates and designs, here are mine :)
To start out, you will need to print out the FREE templates for these masks.
For the Superman mask click here.
For the Wonder Woman mask click here.
For these super hero masks you will need:
- template
- elastic
- hot glue gun
- felt (yellow, red, and skin colored for Wonder Woman. Blue and yellow for Superman).
- scissors
- sewing machine (you can do a no-sew version and use a hot glue gun for the whole mask).
- puffy red paint (Or glitter glue, because that's all I could find at the store...after I was done I realized I could probably pour some red craft paint into some type of squirt bottle...just a thought)

As I was scrolling through my pictures I noticed that I didn't take many of the actual mask making process, I think it's because I have so many masks tutorials already here on my blog that I just overlooked it...sorry!
If you need to see step-by-step pictures you can look through any of those other posts, but I will go through and just try to explain everything here.
Using the templates, cut out 2 pieces of each 'face' part of the mask. (So cut out 2 blue pieces and 2 skin colored pieces). Also cut out the crown, star, and the diamond shape in their colors.
Cut your elastic about 12" long. I like using the 1/2" thick elastic that comes in a white color.
- For Superman, pin the 2 blue  'face' pieces together and stick the elastic ends in between the felt. Sew all around the outside edge, or glue it together with a hot glue gun.
I used to sew around the eyes as well, but I have found that I like gluing around the inside of them so there aren't any little thread ends sticking out that may irritate kids.
Next, glue on the yellow diamond shape.
Using your puffy paint, trace around the outside of the diamond. I actually ended up doing 2 coats around the diamond to make it a little thicker.
 Draw on the 'S' symbol and let them dry!
- For Wonder Woman it's pretty straight forward as well.
Pin the two skin colored 'face' pieces together, sticking the elastic ends in the sides. But before you sew around, pin the crown into place as well.
Sew all the way around the mask, but only sew along the bottom of the crown.
(Can you see in the picture below how the stitch just runs along the bottom?)
You will want to flip the mask over and run some hot glue along the top of the skin colored part so it sticks to the crown. This will help ensure that it stands up nicely when worn.
Glue on the red star,
 and trace around the start with your paint.
 Wonder woman!
Make sure to check out all of the other super hero masks here on the blog!!

Batman and Catwoman Masks
Spiderman Mask
Avengers Masks


  1. That is absolutely adorable! Thank you for sharing at Thursday Favorite Things!

  2. These are SO cute!!! Thanks so much for taking the time to link up with us at the #HomeMattersParty - we hope to see you again on Friday!
