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Sunday, September 25, 2016

First Aid Kit by TripWorthy {Review}

* I received this product for free in exchange for an honest review here on my blog.
All opinions are 100% honest and my own.
I do not receive any financial compensation if you click on any of the links provided or if you purchase the product.

Emergency preparedness.
It sounds so daunting to me.
Like I know I need to do it, but I never know where to start.
It seems very overwhelming, but it's something that's constantly on the back of my mind.
You never know when an emergency is going to strike so it's important to be prepared.
That's one of the reasons I was excited for this to arrive, this is an on-the-go First Aid Kit by TripWorthy.
This First Aid kit has an ideal combination of medical supplies and survival items, and it's compact size makes it perfect to have in your car, on a boat, or with your camping gear.
And it fits 100 items inside!
Let's take a look and see what's included...

Friday, September 23, 2016

Homemade Pizza Dough

A few years ago, when my oldest was about 3 1/2 years old, my husband took him to a restaurant to pick up some pizza. While they were waiting for the food my husband and son were talking about how the people working there were pizza makers. That was their job.
 Right then and there my son decided that when he got older, he wanted to be a pizza maker.
In Pre-school and Kindergarten when all of the other kids were talking about being a firefighter or a sports star or whatever, my son, with so much excitement, would exclaim that he is going to be a pizza maker.   
At first I thought he might eventually grow out of it.
At almost 8 years old if you ask him what he wants to be when he gets older, his answer is a pizza maker.
He has decided that he wants to have his own restaurant and he wants my husband to work there with him. (So sweet)
Last year I decided if that's what he wants to do he should probably learn how to make pizza.
We experimented with a few different recipes and tweaked them a little bit, and have come up with this pizza dough recipe.

Friday, September 16, 2016


Anybody out there want some free stuff??
I have teamed up with 6 other hosts to do a loop giveaway on Instagram.
You must enter the giveaway through Instagram, so head over to read all of the details and enter and then come back here to keep checking out all of the cool stuff on the blog!

Monday, September 12, 2016

DIY Apron for Kids

My boys love to help me bake, sometimes they will even help me make dinner, but not as often.
Baking with kids 'helping' usually means there will be some sort of mess.
To at least keep them a little cleaner I decided they needed some aprons. 
(These will also be used if they want to paint), I love things that are versatile! 
These aprons are made with 1 fat quarter and a little extra fabric around the outside edge.
After making this one for my middle child I realized that we could have just used ribbon around the edges instead...oh well.
At the beginning of the summer we were at the store and I let my boys choose one fat quarter of fabric each to make their apron with. I loved watching them look through the designs and colors until they found just the right one.