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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Cover Me Poncho Review

*I received the following product for free in exchange for an honest review on my blog.
All opinions are 100% my own.
This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase the product through my link I will receive a small compensation.
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Well it's no secret that the countdown is on to meet this little guy!
I am totally ready to be done with this pregnancy.
I've been a lot more uncomfortable than I was with my other two. I just want to be able to bend over and pick up toys without shifting my weight so I don't hurt myself, and we really just want this last little bundle to come and complete our family.
Since this is our third boy I also pretty much have everything I need for him, so I haven't really had to do much in preparation for his arrival.
We are just ready.
There are a few things, however, that have made the life of a pregnant woman a little easier now, things that weren't around when I had my other boys.
These ponchos are one of those things, and how I wish they had been around back then!
At least I will get to enjoy it with this last child, and of course share the news with you so you don't miss out!
This is the olive green poncho from Cover Me Ponchos.
The awesome thing about these is that it can be used at least 4 different ways!
Would you like to see how?

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Amazing Sugar Cookies

Over the years we have tried a few different sugar cookie recipes.
This recipe is by far the best one we've tried and we will be sticking with it for sure!
I'm not a fan of sugar cookies where the actual cookie doesn't have any flavor, you know, the ones that just taste like flour... 
Maybe that's why I love these cookies, not only are they thick and soft, they are so flavorful!
 My boys request to make these cookies all the time, and one of the things they like best is to pick out random shapes from our cookie cutter stash. This last time when we whipped these up was right before Valentine's Day though, so we decided to go with heart shapes.

Friday, February 12, 2016

BBQ Chicken Marinade

Sometimes in the midst of these winter months, with all of the soups and stews and such, you want something a little lighter, like a taste of summer time.
This chicken is just that, I promise! 
This chicken is made on the stove in a skillet, so no need to go outside in the snow to fire up the grill! (But if it is warm where you are, by all means fire that baby up!)
This chicken is also very versatile and can be the main part of the meal or chopped up and thrown in a salad, which is what I love to do with the leftover pieces.
You do want the chicken to marinate for up to about 4 hours, so plan on throwing it together in advance and then just let it be for a while. If you are pressed for time you can let it marinate in as little as 30 min and go from there as well. I try to prepare it in advance and let it sit for the 4 hours.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Preparing for my Hospital stay

I'm one of those people who like to know what's coming.
Mostly because I like to be able to think something through a little bit so I can have a rough plan in my head of how I would handle the situation.
I don't need to always be in-control or have everything figured out, but it's nice to have an idea of what I would like to happen...if that makes sense.
Even though I still have a few weeks until my little guy makes his arrival I've already been keeping a list of the things I want to make sure I grab when we end up heading to the hospital.
I am not going to schedule an induction, I'm planning on just letting my body do it's thing and let me know when our little guy is ready to make his appearance.
The hard thing though, is I obviously have no idea what day, or even time of the day I need to be ready to go.

With my first child, I wasn't really expecting him to come 3 weeks early.
But he did.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

FREE Lego Valentine printable

I have to start out by saying I am kind of proud of myself for getting this posted BEFORE the holiday!
For the last two years my son has taken a Star Wars themed Valentine to school.
It says 'Yoda Best' and it has Yoda holding a light saber, which is where you put a glow stick, (you can check that FREE printable out here).
Back then when we discussed him taking Valentines to school it basically came down to it being 'boy approved'.
At his school they don't write the name of each person receiving the Valentine, only who it's from, so he wanted something that would apply to everyone.
When we were discussing the Valentines he would take this year it was the same story.
He didn't want to do Star Wars again though, he wanted to try a new theme.
A grocery store near us has a bulk candy section and they have these candy Lego bricks.
My son loves them. so he decided he wanted to give those out with a little Lego saying.
This is what we came up with.
Pretty 'boy approved' if you ask me ;)
He was really excited with how it turned out, and that was good enough for me!
To put these Valentines together we first printed out the printable.
I created these so that you can just print them on a regular 8x11 paper.
There are 15 Valentines on each page, so we printed 2 pages.