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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Robot Snacks

I was looking through the pictures on my camera the other day, and I found these and realized I had totally forgotten I had wanted to write this post!
So, my son's birthday was back in November. When a child in his class has a birthday, that child will bring in treats to share with the other kids. 
When I asked him what he would like to take he flat out told me he didn't want to take doughnuts or cupcakes.  Those were common birthday items other kids had brought. My son's not a big fan of doughnuts, and I didn't want to just go pick up a pack of something. I wanted us to make something together.
About a year ago I had seen a variation of these robot snacks on Pinterest, I showed a picture to my son and he LOVED the idea.
So these are the ones we came up with.
These were so easy and fun to make.
My son continually referred to these as 'his robot army'.
It was so cute.
So here are our supplies.

fruit cups (I used mandarin oranges and peaches)
Juice boxes
construction paper
hot glue gun
glue stick
(not pictured: plastic spoons, googly eyes, and smarties)
 To start out with I drew rectangle shapes on the construction paper and had my son cut them out.
We then used glue to attach the paper to the juice boxes.
At first we used the liquid glue, but it was way easier, (and less messy), with a glue stick.
 With a hot glue gun we then attached the smarties for the arms.
Just a tiny bit on the end of the wrapper.
 Make sure there are 2 arms :)
 Squeeze some hot glue onto the top of a fruit cup and then flip it over to sit upside down on the juice box.
 Using the hot glue gun again, attach the plastic spoon to the back of the robot.
It won't be completely vertical, the fruit cup kind of pushes the spoon back. (This was the robot army's weapon according to my son :) ).
 Glue some googly eyes on the front of the fruit cups and you're done!
Here is a view from the side.
My son was SO excited to take these guys to school the next day.
When we walked into the classroom he was so proud to show his teacher what he had made :).


  1. I think they're cute and perfect for show and tell day snacks at my son's school! Thank you for linking to Super Sunday Sync.

  2. What a great idea! so creative and fun and tasty besides ~ carol, xxx (A Creative Harbor)

  3. Oh my goodness, these are adorable!! I don't work in a daycare anymore, but I think I may share this with my friends who do. The children there aren't allowed to bring cakes and other sweets in for birthdays. These robot snacks would be perfect.
    Thanks for stopping by and sharing on my Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen linky, so glad to have you visit.
    have a great evening.

  4. So perfect!! A healthier snack than doughnuts & cupcakes, and oh so cute! I found you on Bloom Designs link party. If you are interested, I'd love if you joined the Show & Tell party at Gingerly Made.

  5. These are adorable! Thank you for sharing at Happiness Is Homemade! Pinning to the party board! I truly can't wait to see what you link up next week!

  6. I love these! What a fun snack! (Good idea to have the spoon already attached too!)

  7. Oh my gosh! These are so cute, the kids would love these! They would be great for handing out instead of candy treat bags. Thanks for linking up to Snickerdoodle Sunday with this awesome idea.

  8. These are super cute!! Would love for you to come over and share at our link party The Weekend Retreat it just started!

  9. Adorable! My daughter would love making these and I think it's a great alternative for classroom treats. I'm sure his friends loved them!

    Thanks for joining the mixer this week :)

  10. This is so fun and creative! What a great treat!
