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Saturday, June 1, 2013

T-ball Picture Display

What's this?? I have a craft to show you?! 
I know, I know.
It's been a while since I posted about something crafty/DIY. 
I'm using my pregnancy as an excuse :)
So, I have mentioned we were visiting Utah last week to see friends and family since we had a little time off with the long weekend and all.
A couple of days before we left I decided that we should take a little something for my parents and my husband's parents as a little token from our son's baseball season that just ended. 
I know both sets of grandparents would have LOVED to be at every game cheering on our little guy, but we did send them pictures and videos, so they felt somewhat like they were apart of it all.
The team had taken pictures a couple of weeks ago, so I thought we could use the picture and make something for them to remember the season.
This is what we came up with.
I love how this turned out. 
We have the year, my son's #, and his hand print so they can remember how small and cute it was :)

This display was so easy to make, and of course my son was there helping me the whole time.
We picked up two 8x10 pieces of wood from Wal-mart for just under $5 each. We also choose a dark charcoal paint, and an ivory color for $.57 each.
We painted the front and sides of each piece of wood first. We only had to do one coat, it covered really well.
(Here is my son painting away)
Once the paint was dry we put Modge Podge all over the back of the picture and placed it on the wood.
The picture is a 5x7.
We then painted my son's hand the Ivory color (he loved that part!), and placed his hand on the wood to make a hand print.
We put a little more paint on his hand the second time, and I think I like the way that one turned out a little better...
Using the same Ivory paint, I then just free-handed it and painted on my son's # and the year
And that's it!
I now need to make something to put in my son's room to go next to his little trophy.
I may do this same craft, or I may come up with something else, we'll see!


  1. I LOVE this idea!!! My son is in pretty much every sport imaginable and making a plague for the grandparents is a much better idea then just giving pictures:)

  2. Just dropping by to say "thank you" for linking up on my Bloglovin Blog Hop!

    Take care,
    Happy Kids, Inc
