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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Valentine's countdown craft

My son is really into counting down to things.
He LOVED counting down to Christmas, and then once that was over he got all excited for the new year.
I thought this craft would be perfect for him to get excited for Valentine's Day.
I've never decorated for Valentine's Day, but maybe this is the start of something new...
This was such a fun craft to make.
My son actually helped me do more than half of the cutting. 
He loves using 'his size' scissors :)

construction paper
First, I started out by making the envelopes.
They are not measured, they are not perfect, I didn't want to stress too much about it.

So, I started out by drawing this star-ish shaped square on some construction paper, then cut it out.
 Fold up the bottom towards the middle and put a little bit of glue on the tip.
 Then fold in one side and put a small amount of glue on top of that tip.
 And lastly fold over the third side.
There you have it, a mini envelope :)
I made 14 envelopes, (4 pink, 5 red, and 5 cream colored), one for each day to countdown from Feb.1 - Feb. 14.

I then cut out 14 heart shapes.
I let my son cut out a couple of the hearts as well, it was good practice for cutting along the line.
 I then had him sort the hearts and count them for me.
I also threw in a couple of math problems for him.
(We had 10 hearts, but need 14, how many more do we cut out?) That sort of thing.
 We then cut out our squares to go in the envelopes.
This is where my son did most of his cutting.
My favorite color is blue, my husband's is red, and my son's are orange and green.
We cut out 14 blue squares, 14 red squares, and 7 green + 7 orange.
Here are all of our supplies ready to go.
We made this on Saturday morning so it would be ready a little in advance.

Last night for our weekly Family Home Evening we talked about love.
With Valentine's Day coming up I thought it would be fun to do this as our lesson.
(If you're not familiar with Family Home Evening, it's something that we as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints do once a week. We put aside some time to spend together as a family. We turn off our electronics and have a spiritual lesson or thought, along with a song and a scripture that go along with the lesson, and a small activity and treat. If you'd like to learn more about Family Home Evening or our church, you can click here.)

So with our lesson about love, we talked about how we are a family, and we will always be there for one another, and how much we love each other.
Then we had the activity, I went in the other room while my husband and my son wrote down on the blue papers 14 things they love about me (7 from my husband, and 7 from my son).
(That way my husband could help my son with what he wanted to write).
Then, my husband went in the other room and my son and I wrote down our 7 things we each love about him on the red papers.
And lastly, my husband and I each wrote 7 things we love about our son on the green and orange papers.
My son then helped me stuff the envelopes.
One paper per person per envelope.
Then seal them up by gluing on the hearts.
I was debating where to display our little envelopes, and then I had a genius idea.
I just flipped my chalkboard over and taped the envelopes on the back.
That way I can hang it up for us to see.
So starting Feb. 1 we will open one envelope each day.


  1. Such a cute idea! I wanted to do a countdown but time is getting away from me!

  2. What an adorable valentine's idea! Oh, I found you through the Super Sunday Sync. :) Happy to be following you.

  3. Too cute! And very inspirational. I went outside to enjoy a balmy day and was inspired to write a list of 100 days or events for which for which I could do something similar.

    No, I am not an overachiever. Hahah. Far from it. But writing a "List of 100" is a journaling technique I have found useful over the years to help me thing outside the box.

  4. Oops. That should be "think". Sometimes my mind gets ahead of my fingers when I'm typing. :p

  5. That's really cute! I love the idea of writing things that you love about each other and opening them each day.
    Found you on the Mingle! Check out my blog and like my FB page too.

  6. What a great idea! I want to do something for Vday too.

  7. This turned out really nice. :)

    Visiting you from Thumping Thursdays.

  8. I love this idea! I don't really like those countdowns that have candy or little toys, but this kind of countdown is perfect!

  9. Such a cute idea! Love it.

    Found your blog from the Blog Hop - will follow.

    I'm at Fizzy Peaches - if you would like to have a look.

    Lyndsay ♡
    Fizzy Peaches

  10. That is the sweetest idea ever!!! Thank you so much for linking it up to our Sweets For My Sweetie link-up party! Just precious!

  11. Stopping by from I Love My Post! :)

    Gayle | Grace for Gayle

  12. cute and meaningful!! fabulous idea!

  13. I love this so much! I can't wait to do it with our son once he's older (4 months) but could totally do this with my husband! It is so important to express our love and encouragement to others and this is a fabulous idea. Thanks for linking up to Sweets for My Sweetie link up!

  14. This is such a cute idea. I like how you incorporated the math and writing in such a fun way. Thanks for linking up for Flashback Friday. Come back every week :-)

  15. this is adorable! thanks for linking up on the grow your blog hop michelle! :)
