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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Halloween paper plate craft

The first week of October I was mainly focusing on making my son's Iron Man costume, check it out here if you missed that one.
This last week I knew we needed to put up some Halloween decor around the house.
I was strolling around on where else?  Pinterest of course, and I saw a picture of a paper plate ghost over at  Clean & Scentsible. The lady had used the ghost as Halloween decor for a party.
I used the same idea for the ghost, but then we decided we needed a few more pieces to go along with it.
We currently have a big, blank, white wall behind our dining room table, and I thought it would be the perfect spot to display our art work.

any type of paper plate (we used the foam ones)
paints (we use the acrylic ones, we usually get them from Michael's)
paint brushes
glue stick
construction paper
tissue paper
Originally we were just planning on just doing two plates,  
the ghost and the spider.
However, after hanging them up on the wall my son decided we should do a pumpkin and witch as well.
there was more room, so I thought that was an excellent idea :) more crafting for us!

For the ghost I just painted the eyes and mouth on a white plate.  
I cut the hands out of construction paper and glued them on, 
and then glued strips of white tissue paper underneath.
For the spider, my son painted his plate (the body of the spider) black.
While the body was drying. we cut the legs out of construction paper.
We didn't have black paper, so we had to paint it as well.
Once the legs dried we glued them to the body.
According to my son this needed to be a happy spider, so he painted a happy face.
I kind of forgot to take pictures of us making the pumkin and witch, sorry!
For the pumpkin my son painted it orange, and then I drew the eyes and mouth with pencil and my son painted them black.
For the witch I painted her green and then added her features with black paint.
I drew lines on purple construction paper for the hair, and let my son cut that out.  We then glued that 'hair' onto the witch.
My son came up with the idea for the hat.
We were out of black paint and black construction paper, so he went to our 'craft supply box' and pulled out some black felt.  Smart kid!  Using his imagination to solve a problem, I was so proud.
We cut out a hat shape and glued it on.
We loved the way they turned out.
How do you decorate for Halloween?


  1. How cute! Another cute thing to do is take a round cake pan, cut a piece of paper to fit the bottom of it, then squirt a dab of paint in the middle and put a marble in it. Let the kids move the pan around back & forth to make a "spider web" and they can paint or glue a spider on it. I found your blog through the blog hop. Hope you follow back :)

    1. What a cute idea! I will have to try that out, I think my little guy would love it! Thanks for following, I'll head on over and check yours out :)

  2. Love it! And the thing I like the most if that your cutie pie gets to help out and learns how to do so many wonderful things. You are so resourceful!

    1. Thank you. It's a lot of fun to include him in everything I do, he's turned into quite the little helper :)

  3. These are so cute! and so easy! I think the kids and I need to whip some up after school today! :)

  4. I love all of your ghostly buddies!! I think the spider is my favorite. :) Thanks so much for including a link back to my blog and coming out to the party at Clean and Scentsible. I love having you!
    Jenn :)

  5. very cute! Newest follower on here and on FB.

    visiting from Naptime Review Wednesday Hop!

  6. I came over from FAFF! Love tips and DIY's!

  7. Hi Michelle, so much fun here for kids! I am a new follower, thank you for sharing!

    Have a good day, Nancy
