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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween cupcakes

I decided I had to do one last Halloween post. 
Get it right in there before the holiday ended :)
It seems like the weekend before Halloween has as much celebrating as the day itself.
I call it Halloween weekend.
Last night we attended a trunk-or-treat.
If you've never been to a trunk-or-treat before,
the adults will line up their cars, usually in some sort of large circle, with the trunks all facing inward, and the kids will go from trunk to trunk for candy.
It was a lot of fun, and my son got soooo much candy.
It's ok though, we will help him :)
About half-way through the trunk-or-treating my husband called dibs on the regular sized Kit-Kat bar,
I will mostly go for anything in there.
Not really Whoopers or candy corn, but other than that I'm in!

People went all out and decorated their trunks.
I was impressed, there was some very creative decor.
There was also a chili cook-off and desserts.
I volunteered to bring a dozen cupcakes, and this is what I came up with.

I saw the mummy idea on Pinterest forever ago, and I always wanted to give it a shot. 
The eyes are just M&M's!
What did you do this Halloween weekend?
What candies do you search for in your kids buckets? 
It's ok, we all do it :)


  1. I have always wanted to do a trunk or treat but they don't really have them around where we live. Super cute cupcakes, I think I like the spider webs the best. Thanks for linking up to Raising Imperfection.

    1. It's funny, I had never heard of a trunk-or-treat until just a few years ago. Thanks, the spider webs were my son's favorites too!

  2. Yum!! Love cupcakes!
    Thank you so much for linking up to Raising Imperfection!

    Following you now too :)


  3. Hi, Michelle! I'm hopping over from Get Social Sunday at A Lived in Home. Those cupcakes are super cute! Thank you for sharing the idea. Our neighborhood has a wonderful tradition with lots of lil goblins knocking on our door! We love seeing all the costumes! 'So glad you had a fun weekend! -Marci @ Stone Cottag Adventures

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I love to see the littlest ones dressed up, they are always so cute!

  4. Great cupcakes! We went to a trunk or treat at our church last night too. I need to put up some pictures up on my blog ( of the spider costume I made my son. I saw the one you made for your son, too, and it is darling! This mom at the trunk or treat made 2 costumes from the movie, UP, for her kiddos! One was the kid with the balloon. And, their baby was the parrot/peacock/bird thing. She did a great job!! Yeah to us crafty moms! :)

    1. Thanks! Did you sew your son's costume? I love UP! I agree, crafty moms rule :)

  5. We made cupcakes today too. :)

    Happy Halloween!

  6. Newest follower here! I found you through the Monday link up! Cute blog, I can’t wait to read more!

  7. These are super cute! I love them!

  8. You are too cute...I love the mummy idea!

    I am visiting from Marvelous Mondays...I am co-hosting this week! Thanks for linking and please take a look at my blog, to see all that happens in my Milwaukee Kitchen!


  9. These are such cute cupcakes! I did some pumpkin cupcakes at the beginning of the month for a festival and they were a hit but I LOVE the mummy cupcakes.. So cute! I am visiting from the Friday Chaos blog hop. I am a follower now and would love if you could come visit and follow me.


  10. These are so cute!! I found you from the Friday Chaos blog hop! Oh and I have a giveaway right now on my blog, would love to have you visit!

  11. Geee so cute cupcakes in here! I was browsing for more Halloween recipes and found these Halloween Cupcakes of yours. Thanks for sharing and I do hope I could pin some nice photos on my Pinterest boards. Good day!
