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Saturday, January 7, 2017

My {Realistic} New Years Goals

This past Monday night my husband took over the weekly Family Home Evening lesson and I loved what he presented. It helped inspire my goals and get me motivated to work on myself.
He talked to our boys (mainly our eldest while our 3 year old colored...) about the importance of the new year, setting goals, and trying to continually work on ourselves. 
He had our son list categories of his life (i.e. academics, spiritual, musical, etc.) and asked him to set one or two goals in each category. 
He talked about how important it is to work on multiple areas of life to help us be more well rounded.
He told our son to also make sub-goals (smaller goals to help build up to complete the bigger goals). I loved this because I feel like it doesn't set him up to be overwhelmed. It gives him almost check points to work up to so he can actually complete things.
So with all of this in mind I set my goals as well and wanted to share them here in hopes that it might help someone else.
1. Try at least 2 new recipes a month
In the past couple of years, as our kids have gotten older, dinner time has become more important to me. I've tried to make an effort to have good healthy meals, but every so often I feel like I'm in a cooking rut. I feel like this is realistic in helping me find new recipes and will push me to look for new ideas and maybe even new cooking techniques. My oldest has also started helping in the kitchen more, so I think this will also help him learn new things along with me.

2. Hold weekly Family Home Evening
I know I can do this one if I actually plan ahead. It doesn't always need to be some elaborate lesson and activity with a gourmet dessert, but right now, especially with the different ages of our kids, I can get some quick helpful lesson across. 
Maybe because I kind of already have a cheat for this one...I know that if, for some reason, I wasn't able to prepare something I have a fall back option; my General Conference review game (you can find that here if you need. Shameless plug for a blog post of mine 😊) there's no harm in listening to individual talks from our leaders!

3. Take longer before I yell at my kids
Did you see how I worded that?
I know I'm going to yell, I'm not perfect.
However, I am really trying to take (lots!) of deep breaths and get down at their level and try to talk to my kids and understand their feelings.
Guilty mom moment:
My 3 year old was screaming and crying and it was driving me nuts.
I yelled something along the lines of 'will you just calm down already?!' And his response was 'I don't know how to!'
My heart broke.
This is why I am going to give my all to taking longer to react.

4. Becoming more toned and flexible 
I'm not planning on running any marathons.
I'm not planning on entering a body building competition.
I just want to work on my muscle definition and my flexibility. 
I used to dance for a couple of years and I loved the flexibility I achieved and the body type I had. (Dancer's muscles).
I want to get back to that, and thankfully I know how, and I have some ideas on how to work on that throughout my day while I'm at home with my kids.

5. Reading 2 non-church books this year
I really like to read.
I don't really make the time for it though.
It's nice to have something a little bit different to focus on and change up a little bit.
(If anyone has an amazing recommendation I'd love to hear it!)

6. Learn new songs on the piano (both hands)
A few years ago when I first started doing piano lessons with my oldest I was able to go through the basics with him, I had taken some piano as a child so I had some recollection of what to do. 
As he has progressed, beautifully I might add, I am having a harder time helping him.
In my older years I have come to appreciate beautiful music, and I would like to provide my home with that.
So, taking some time here and there to actually look at sheet music and make myself play and researching something if I don't understand will help me be able to do that.

7. Listening to and taking action with promptings
I strongly believe that we are here on Earth to help and serve others. I believe we are given promptings (feeling in our heart/mind) of when someone else might need us.
I know that I don't always act on the promptings I'm given. 
I try to tell myself that it's not a good idea, or blow it off because it's not really what I need to be doing...(I know, the excuses sound stupid...)
There have been too many times I look back and realize a prompting I received would have been an answer to someone's prayer and I didn't take action. (Luckily someone else always seemed to step up their game, but now it needs to be me!)

8. Make some stuff to sell and list it
I feel like I have crafting ADHD.
I don't commit to one thing, I like to make super hero masks, bows, jewelry, etc.
A few years ago I tried setting up my own shop, but I didn't really know what I was doing or what I wanted from it.
I've learned some stuff since then and I feel like I just need to put myself out there.
Get out of my comfort zone if you will.

9. Learn to crochet
Speaking of my crafting ADHD, I really want to learn how to crochet.
My mom and mother-in-law do it beautifully so I know I will have some help and support there.
I've wanted to learn for a while, so better late than never!

I feel like that's a pretty good start.
As the year moves on I want to be doing well with these goals and hopefully pushing them a little bit further, but for now it begins here!


  1. I like the idea of a weekly meeting! Another good idea would a short devotionals or even starting a conversation with highs, lows, and God Moments. I teach middle school confirmation and we start every class this week!

  2. Great resolutions! Happy New Year!

  3. I love the idea of take longer to yell on the kids. I'm thinking the same way this year too!

  4. I'm adding taking longer to yell or get frustrated with anyone to my list! I also love that you have a resolution to learn something new,

  5. I've gotten in a cooking rut too and am looking to change things up this year. Thanks for sharing on #homemattersparty I love that you are going to try to learn something new this year and are realistic in your goals

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