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Friday, October 21, 2016

Harry Potter Wand Tutorial

For Halloween this year my oldest decided he wants to dress-up as Harry Potter.
We talked about the details of his costume and he for sure needed a wand :)
I've been trying to step back more and let his creative juices flow, and I must say I'm pretty proud of his thought process and how this turned out!
It all started the other day when he found this stick.
I told him I thought it would make a good wand, so he held on to it.
To start out with my son said it needed to have a point on the end.
I handed him a pocket knife and had him go to the back porch to make it look how he'd wanted.
(He has used a pocket knife before to whittle some sticks, but I still stood there and watched to make sure he was being safe).
After it was 'perfect' as he exclaimed, he said he just wanted two big globs of glue on it.
I asked if he wanted any other design or texture and he mentioned that the yarn I had grabbed would be perfect.
He wrapped the string and every few wraps he would stop and I would put a small dab of glue so the string would stay in place.
 He then squeezed out a lot of glue around the bottom of the wand and where the string ended to make the two bumps.
 We then let it dry.
 Once everything was dry we went out side and spray painted the whole thing with some leftover paint we had on hand.
It dried pretty quickly and he was soon running around the house casting spells :)
It's so cute to see him want to show it off and get excited to take it to school on Halloween :)


  1. Great job! My HUSBAND would love this! lol :)

    1. Ha ha thank you! I'm finding out people of all ages are appreciating it ;)
