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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

RORAIMA Reclining, Foldable Camping Chair

Hi everyone!
First off, Happy Halloween 😊
I hope you’re having a great holiday so far!
I’ve got a review for you today for this awesome Reclining Camping Chair
(*I received the following product for a discounted price in exchange for a review here on my blog.
All opinions are 100% my own and honest).
With it being the end of October and pretty chilly outside I decided to test this out in my house. After trying out this chair I’m so excited for the weather to get warmer so we can actually put this chair to use...even though I’m pretty sure my kids think it’s an indoor chair for them now...
Anyways, on to the details!

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Relief Society Super Saturday: Emergency Preparedness

I've mentioned here on my blog before that I'm in charge of planning the monthly activities for our Relief Society (women's church group). 
Once a year there is an activity that is a little bigger, more involved, and is usually for crafting. 
It's called Super Saturday.
Last year for our Super Saturday I had 2 crafts available for people to make, a temple string art plaque and a reversible 2x4 wood block craft. 
(You can find the post for that here)
This year, after discussing some options, we decided to do something a little different. We know that some of the ladies in our ward, (myself included), are behind in our emergency preparedness. We either don't really know where to start, or what the best options are, or are just overwhelmed in general and don't want to start at all.
Emergency preparedness has been a pretty big part of our church for a very long time, so we figured it might be helpful to highlight some parts and talk about the importance of it.
We came up with a title (theme) for our activity;
"If you are prepared you won't be scared"
A few weeks prior to the activity I created a poster to leave at the church for the women to see.
The poster had our title/theme across the top and then listed the following:
- 72 hr backpacks
- basic First-Aid kits
- important documents binder 
- food storage mini class 
- First-Aid mini class
- being spiritally prepared
*Lunch will be served
*Nursery will be provided