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Friday, November 13, 2020

How to Remove a Granite Backsplash

For years I’ve wanted to have a tile backsplash installed in our kitchen. 

After a lot (!) of research, I finally decided to just jump in with both feet and get it done. (A huge thanks to my husband for believing in me on this one!) 

If I was going to do this project I was going to take to the extra time to do it the right way (in my opinion). I knew I wanted the 4” granite backsplash, the builder installed, gone. I felt like removing this would give the kitchen an overall cleaner look.

The first thing I needed was a heat gun. Lucky for me, my neighbor had one and graciously let me borrow it. So thankful to him for that!

I have to admit, I was really nervous to get started. I was worried that once I pulled off the backsplash, there was no going back. I decided to have some confidence in myself and tackle this.

To start, I plugged in the heat gun and turned on the higher setting. It kind of just sounds like a loud hair dryer.