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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

DIY Reversible Burlap Banner

The other day I was thinking about some of the craft supplies that are sadly sitting in my craft room waiting to be used up.
While I was rocking my baby for his nap that day I decided I wanted to use up some of those supplies and try my hand at making a burlap banner.
I wanted it to last longer than one month or one holiday though so I decided to make it reversible!
Since Valentine's Day is fast approaching I thought that would be perfect to have on the first side. 
I love having pieces that are versatile and can be left up for a while, so I thought bunnies on the other side would be perfect so it can be up for Easter but also all of Spring. 
I've got step-by-step instructions and pictures for you, and I've also got a video at the very end of this post if you want to see it all come together that way.

Friday, January 19, 2018

DIY Valentine's Photo Booth and Props

Last year for our February Relief Society (women’s group in our church) activity we decided to host a Valentine’s dance for all of the adults in our ward.
They had actually done it the year before and had a really good turnout, so we wanted to do it again.
We wanted to add a few new things to the evening though.
One of the things we wanted to add was a photo area with some fun props.
I was able to either make the thugs we needed, or find them for really cheap, so I put together this post for you in case it can help out!
These are the items I made, chalkboard signs, big red lips, and black mustaches.
Didn’t these turn out so cute?!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Thumbprint Cookies

I absolutely love Thumbprint cookies (who doesn't?!)
However I have to be honest, I didn't love making them because they were sooo time consuming.
That is until now!
I have the perfect thumbprint recipe below that will give you the most delicious, perfectly shaped cookies and I figured out a way to cut down the amount of time it takes to make them!
(Insert happy dance now...)
I've got some pictures below so you can see what the dough is supposed to look like and how it all comes together.