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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Swaddle Sure swaddling pouch by HALO {Review}

*I received the following product for free in exchange for an honest review here on my blog.
All opinions are 100% honest and my own.
I do not receive any financial compensation if you click on any of the links provided or purchase the following product.

Today I have a review for you, and my littlest guy gets to make his big blog debut :)
We welcomed him into the world just under 2 weeks ago, so it was about time for him to get to work ;)

This is the Swaddle Sure swaddling pouch from
I actually received this a few weeks before my little guy was born and I couldn't wait to try it out!
I've always liked the idea of swaddling because I feel like it helps keep baby snug and cozy, like when they were still in the womb...also, it's nice to keep their little hands in so they can't scratch themselves on the face...
If I recall correctly, there wasn't really anything like this when I had my other two children, we just used receiving blankets to swaddle them, but they always seemed to get an arm out or wiggle the whole thing loose.
This swaddling pouch is designed to keep that from happening, and that's why I was so excited to try it!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Infant Car Seat Arm Cushion Tutorial

It's no secret that I have been patiently waiting for baby #3 to arrive.
I have been getting these crazy strong desires to make something. Anything.
It probably doesn't help that I am not sleeping as well anymore either...I will just lay in bed and my mind will race with all of the things I want to do and how I want them to turn out.
When I had my second son I had seen a picture for one of these 'arm cushions' and I always told myself I was going to make one, especially because my second child was a freaking chunk, and that car seat got heavy!
My poor forearms and the inside crease of my elbows went through quite a lot carrying that little guy around in his car seat.
Unfortunately, I never got around to making the arm cushion.
You would think that would be more of a priority...
Since I've been in the crafty mode I decided to whip one up for baby #3 instead!
Since I was only going off of a picture there was some trial and error in the making process, but I am loving the way this turned out!
I know there are other tutorials for these arm cushions, and you can even buy these already made, but I just wanted to share with you what I came up with, and how I got it done.
I've got step-by-step instructions and pictures for you, so let's check it out.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Spinach and Green Chile Chicken Enchiladas

We've been on a recipe kick over here lately, and I have been loving trying my hand at new things!
For years I have wanted to find a really good enchilada recipe.
I have actually tried a few recipes and none of them quite lived up to our tastes.
I found this recipe a few months ago and gave it a shot. They had a really good starting base, so we kept it in our rotation.
Since then I don't even know how many times we have made these enchiladas, but we have added or tweaked something each time to get them just right, and I must say they are delicious!
I was kind of nervous to make these at first because the original recipe called for corn tortillas, I was a little wary of working with those. (I'm talking the store-bought corn tortillas here).
In the past they always seemed to break apart on me.
So, because I didn't want a complete disaster, the first time I whipped these up was with flour tortillas, and they were actually really good, but my husband said he preferred the corn ones. He said it gives it more of an authentic flavor.
The next time I made this recipe I tried the corn tortillas, and low and behold they did break apart.
Since then I have done some research and even ended up talking to my neighbor for advice, and I found a few tips that ended up working. Now we use the corn tortillas all the time, and I will admit, they do add a nice authentic flavor and I would definitely recommend them.