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Monday, April 20, 2015

iPhone 6 Armband Review

*I received the following product for free in exchange for an honest review on my blog.
A few months ago we were finally able to end our cell phone contract and upgrade!
We've never had the newest phone, but this time we were able to get a really good deal and we went with it.
The iPhone 6.
A few short weeks later I got myself a gym pass, and I was ready to conquer the world!
Ok, not really.
I was really excited to start working out again, it had been over 2 years...seriously!
 My first night back at the gym was awesome. I had time to myself to just listen to music and get a good work-out in.
No one was asking me for anything, no one needed me, I got some ME time.
The workout was great, however, I was walking around holding my phone in my hand the whole time, while trying to lift weights and actually workout.
I'm sure I got some curious looks as I tried to stuff  my new phone in my sports bra or the back of my yoga pants...
Those things don't come with pockets!
So you can imagine my joy when I got the chance to review this...

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Zippered Pillow Case Tutorial

Guys, I am so excited about this post. What we have here is a Pinterest success!
So first, a little background...
A few months ago we were on the hunt for new couches.
We had owned a set since we were first married, over 10 years ago!
Our old couches were actually still in really good condition, but didn't fit our new home as well as we wound have liked. We ended up selling them and inherited a used L-shaped sectional from family.
After a few months with that couch we decided we wanted something a little bigger to fit the space better.
My husband also really wanted to upgrade.
We ended up finding the perfect couches, and after a couple of weeks they arrived.
My husband mentioned getting some pillows, but I honestly hated the idea of throw pillows. In reality I knew they wouldn't ever stay on the couch, they would be thrown on the ground, and I didn't want to give myself something else to pick up :)
I was browsing through Pinterest and came across an amazing tutorial from Corey at Tiny Sidekick for zippered pillow cases. The tutorial was so inspiring, and I really wanted to try something new.
This was my first time sewing pillow cases, and my first time sewing a zipper, and now I'm kind of addicted!
I think I want to make 2 more pillows now to go with these ones....
I've got a lot of pictures for you to kind of explain the process, but it's something that beginners can totally tackle.