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Friday, February 27, 2015

Tested: Bathtub cleaner

Alright, I am going to show you a before and after picture, and I don't want any judging :)
We've all been there people.
 We moved into our new house about 6 months ago.
Everything was so new and clean.
I almost had anxiety from it, because I knew it wouldn't last long, but I wanted it to.
A few months after moving in we unexpectedly had the opportunity to put grass in our backyard.
It took us one very busy week to get everything finished, and at the end of the day we would be covered in dirt and mud and we were exhausted.
It was so hard trying to keep everything clean.
One thing that didn't survive well was our bathtub/shower.
I had some Clorox cleaner on hand that I have used plenty in the past, but this time it didn't do anything.
So I decided to turn to Pinterest.
It has all the answers :)
I found this blog post about cleaning a bath/shower and I already had everything on hand, so I figured I would give it a try.
You will need:

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Quiet Book: Garden Page

Back when my oldest was younger I really wanted to make him a quiet book, but I somehow never got around to it.
Now that my second is a toddler I am getting my butt into gear and getting it done!
Slowly but surely :)
I'll be posting the 'pages' one-by-one with a step-by-step tutorial.
Also, I should mention that I made this a no-sew version, the whole thing is put together with a hot glue gun.
Here is the first page I made.
We'll call this one 'The Garden'
What I love most about this is that I was able to use felt scraps that I already had on hand!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Bathroom Scale Review

* I received the following product for free in exchange for an honest review on my blog. I DO NOT receive any compensation if you click any links in this post.

I have a review for you today!
Today we are talking bathroom scales.
Really? Yes, really.
I have never had a 'nice' scale before.
I've never really put much thought into purchasing a scale in the past, we have just purchased a cheap one on sale and been good to go.
For a little while.
Then the scale would get old and worn out and not really work well, and it would just sit there in our bathroom.
So I was really excited to get the change to review this COOSH CBS001B Precision Digital Scale
It looked sturdy and of high quality.
This is how it came in the mail.
Well packaged, and ready for use!
The scale comes with a lithium battery, which will obviously last a while, but I like that when that does die, you can remove it and there is a space for 2 AAA batteries as well.
Because those I have on hand :)