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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Halloween 2x4 craft

With Halloween being next Friday I thought I would finally get around to a Halloween post!
Back at the beginning of October I thought to myself, 'I don't want to start decorating now, it's way too early'...and then the month snuck by without me even knowing! Oops.
I know I'm not the only one this has happened to...right? :)
Anyways, back to our craft.
A couple of weeks ago there were some guys finishing the basement in the house next to ours. I had come home from picking my son up from school and I noticed a huge pile of 2x4 and plywood scraps lying on the driveway.
I went to the basement window and called down to the workers to see what their plans were for the wood. They told me it was all to be thrown away, but if I wanted to I could take any of it.
I ran to the other few homes on our street and told the other moms about our awesome opportunity, you should have seen us, we were like vultures buzzing around picking out what we wanted. We all had our kids loading up their arms with little piles of wood, and ideas were racing through my mind of what we would should make.
This is our first project.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Priority Chef Garlic Press Review

I have a review for you that I am super excited about!
This is a garlic press from Priority Chef.
And it is my new best friend :)
 I don't know how I have been cooking for so long and have never had one of these, I love it!
I haven't ever minded mincing garlic with a knife, but I can never get the pieces small enough, well this press sure takes care of that for me.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Mickey Mouse Hooded Towel

One of my sweet little nephews celebrated his first birthday not too long ago, and his birthday was Mickey Mouse Clubhouse themed.
My baby has a hooded towel, and I love that I can wrap him up all snug and warm after a bath, so that's what I wanted to make for my nephew.
At first I thought about making a cute animal towel, but as soon as I saw some black and red towels at the store one day I knew I wanted to try and make him a Mickey Mouse hooded towel to go along with his birthday theme.
I searched online for some ideas, but I wanted to make something different than what I had seen, so this is what I came up with.
To get an idea of the finished size here we have my 14 month old modeling for you.
(This towel also fit my almost 6 year old, it went down to his calf).

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Avengers Super Hero Capes

Do you remember from my last post I mentioned that I had been designing and crafting?
Well, I am here now to show you what I was up to!
I had someone place an order for some super hero masks, and she then asked if I could do capes as well.
I have made capes in the past, but nothing like this.
 I told her I could make some, and I was so excited to come up with these templates!