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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Crispy Chicken with a Lemon Cream Sauce

I've still been keeping up with my goal of finding and trying out new recipes.
I was really excited to try this one when I found it on Pinterest, and my family LOVED it!
I think I've made this chicken dish 5 or 6 times now.
I did modify the recipe from the original, just a little bit.

Monday, February 10, 2014

DIY Indoor Golf Game

I must say I have kind of really been loving the warmer winter we've been having here.
Don't get me wrong, I love the snow, but it's nice to not have it so harshly cold with my baby only being 6 months old.
There have been a couple of days where we did get some snow and we didn't really want to venture outside, so my son and I got our crafting on.
I pinned this idea last year, but when I clicked on the picture that's all it was. No website, no instructions, nothing.
It looked simple enough to figure out, so we made our own version.
This was really easy to put together.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

DynaPro Direct Resistance Band Review

*Disclosure: I received this product as part of an advertorial. 

For the past month or so I have been thinking about working out.
Within a couple of weeks of having my second baby I had lost all of the weight from my pregnancy. I hadn't gained a lot throughout, so it just kind of came off.
However, I have noticed that I am not as toned as I would like to be.
How do I fix this dilemma you might ask?
Well I should go to the gym, right?
My baby is only 6 months old, and to be 100% honest, I just don't feel comfortable leaving him in a gym daycare yet. Especially in the winter months with all of the germs...gross...and my poor husband has been working crazy long hours this gets home after myself and the rest of the country is already asleep. So I can't leave my kids with him and go to the gym.
So, what is my solution?
Working out at home!
The Pro Grade Resistance Bands are perfect for my situation, and I'm sure many of you will feel the same way.