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Saturday, March 30, 2013

19 weeks

Hi everyone! We are so excited to announce we are having another boy! :)
Weight gain: 4 lbs
Maternity clothes: Nope! Stilling hanging in there :)
Cravings: Nothing really out of the ordinary. I'm still liking peanut butter and Ritz crackers to snack on every so often. Mashed potatoes and gravy kind of sounds good...
Discomfort? Not really.
Events: Well the biggest one of all was the ultrasound appointment! My husband was able to sneak away from work and go to the appointment with us. It worked out perfectly because he hasn't been able to go to any of the other appointments with us.
My son has said it was a boy from day one, so when the ultrasound tech showed us it was a boy, she asked my son if he was so excited, and he says, 'yeah, I already knew it was a brother'. It was so funny because he was so serious.

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter Sunday tomorrow!!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter cookies

I thought I would take a moment to share these little cuties before the holiday on Sunday.
We attended an activity for the Primary kids in our ward last Saturday, and I signed up to bring a dessert.
I let my son pick through my cookie cutter stash, and these are the ones he choose for us to use.
My son has a baseball game tomorrow, and I signed up to bring the snacks.
For the snack bags I am going to include a juice box, a pack of Cheez-its, a plastic Easter egg with a few candies, and these bunny cookies we whipped up.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Free template for Spiderman mask

As promised I am back with my Spiderman mask and template!
(If you recall from my previous post I had someone contact me and order some super hero masks.
In addition to ones already shown here on the blog she wanted Wolverine and Spiderman masks as well, so I decided to make my own templates and share them with you!)
Click here to get the Spiderman template.
Start out by cutting out two pieces of felt from the template.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

18 weeks

I'm so excited for my doctor's appointment coming up!
All along I have thought it was a boy, as well as my husband and son, but now my husband has changed his mind and says it's a girl for sure.
I'm going back and forth now, and just can't wait to know!!
Weight gain: 3 1/2 pounds
Maternity clothes? No sir! :)
Discomfort? I started getting Braxton Hicks contractions this past week. Awesome. I had them throughout my first pregnancy as well, so I guess, for me, it just comes with the territory.
If you've never had Braxton Hicks, it's basically a fake contraction. Your belly kind of tightens/hardens if that makes sense, and it's pretty uncomfortable for a minute, but then goes away.
Stretch marks? Nope! (Keep on moisturizing and drinking water!!)
Events: I can feel the baby A LOT more now, which is so much fun!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

17 weeks

Hello everyone!
If you've been following along, you may have noticed I didn't do a 16 week pregnancy post.
I have a ton of different things I could blame for not getting it posted, but when it comes down to it, I just wasn't able to get it done.
Oh well.
On to a new week!
My son decided he wanted to help me with the chalkboard this week.
I LOVE how this turned out.
There is a smiley face, a heart, and the next thing is supposed to be Turnip from a show on Nick Jr called Octonauts (because I told my son the baby is about the length of a turnip. No, he has no idea what that is, he just knows on Bubble Guppies one of the little characters is named Turnip, at least we think that's it's name...)
I think this is my favorite chalkboard so far :)
Weight gain: 3 lbs
Cravings: I get random cravings at random times, mostly depending on what's around me or what I'm thinking about. This week I was craving movie theater popcorn, Panda Express, fried chicken...see, it's just all over the place. The nice thing is the cravings only last a few minutes until my mind is distracted by something else.
Maternity clothes? Nope. I have no idea how I've been able to manage wearing my normal pants this long. At the beginning of this pregnancy I felt like I needed maternity pants the day after I found out I was pregnant...I guess a lot of it was in my head...anyways, I wore my normal pants clear through my first pregnancy, so here's hoping I can pull that off again :)
Events: We had an appointment last week and we were able to hear the heartbeat again. My son of course loved it, he got to help the doctor use the machine again.
Oh, last night my husband and I were sitting on the couch watching one of our shows, and the baby was moving around, a lot, so I grabbed my husband's hand and had him hold it on my belly for a minute, and he felt the baby kick!!
We have our next appointment in 2 weeks to find out what we are having, we are so excited!!

Anyone want to guess, boy or girl?

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Wolverine felt mask with FREE template

Last week I mentioned I was filling an order for some Avengers masks.
I was also asked to make some Wolverine and Spiderman masks.
I've seen a few different templates, but I decided to come up with my own version, and this is what I came up with.
(I will post the Spiderman mask and template soon).
(I ended up running out of the thinner elastic I used in the previous masks, and had to use a thicker one, pictured above, but I feel like the thinner elastic works better with the super hero masks).
My son had A LOT of opinions on this mask, he sure knows his superheroes :)
This mask can be made by sewing it, or you can do a no-sew version using a hot glue gun.

Monday, March 11, 2013

My little prince {DIY crown and cape}

This past weekend we had the chance to attend a birthday party.
It was for a sweet little sassy miss turning 4, and she wanted a princess party.
And she wanted everyone to dress up.
Her older brother, dressed up as a Musketeer, so my son decided he wanted to be a prince.
I immediately started thinking of things we might have around the house to make a little prince, and I was pleasantly surprised to find everything we needed.
The first thing I made was the crown.
I took one of those cardboard gift boxes you usually get around Christmas (see below)
I measured around my son's head and then cut out two strips of cardboard, and I kind of made a design with points at the top.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

15 weeks

Hello everyone, on to another week!!
So I have decided to do my weekly pregnancy updates on the weekends instead.
It just makes it easier on me :)
Weight gain: I think I'm up to 3 pounds of weight gain.
Cravings: I've been loving Ritz crackers and peanut butter lately. I was also craving a spinach salad, and I finally got all of the ingredients last week to make it. I think I've had it 3 times already, I'll have to post the recipe for that, it's yummy!
Maternity clothes? Nope! But if you look through the pregnancy update pictures you might notice I'm wearing the same 2 pairs of jeans. Yep, only 2 pairs are still comfortable enough :)
Events: Nothing too eventful to really report this week. Everything is just going really well, and I am very thankful that I have had such a wonderful pregnancy so far.