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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Valentine's countdown craft

My son is really into counting down to things.
He LOVED counting down to Christmas, and then once that was over he got all excited for the new year.
I thought this craft would be perfect for him to get excited for Valentine's Day.
I've never decorated for Valentine's Day, but maybe this is the start of something new...
This was such a fun craft to make.
My son actually helped me do more than half of the cutting. 
He loves using 'his size' scissors :)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

DIY Shoe Rack

Since moving into our apartment a short 4 months ago I've had a mental to-do list of things I wanted to accomplish.
Well folks, I can now check one of those things off of my list :)
I looked around for a shoe rack to fit behind our front door, but they were all kind of big, or pretty pricey, etc.
I figured we could make one.
My son loved helping me with this project. This is what we came up with.
We have this square of hard floor around the front door, and then carpet in the rest of the front room.
That's where the shoes end up. Just kicked right off once we come in the house.
Living in a smaller space makes it look more messy, so I decided to fix this problem.

Monday, January 14, 2013

9 weeks

I'm 9 weeks along everyone!
(Well at least we think...maybe not though..I'll explain in a moment).
I hope to get some crafty/DIY posts up this next coming week, I honestly don't know where all my time has gone...
Weight gain/loss: Still just the 1 pound.
Any sickness? Not really. I am still pretty tired, and I feel nauseated every so often, but nothing that keeps me down!
I must say being pregnant with my first was so much easier!
Even though I was working full-time while pregnant with him, I could still go home after work and take a nap whenever I wanted, and sleep in on my days off.
Not so much now :) It's all good though. I must say to all you moms out there who have more than one child and you're pregnant,
Events: We FINALLY got to hear the baby's heartbeat!
We had our appointment last Friday, and I took my son with me again. I'm so glad I decided to switch doctors, we LOVE the new one, he is awesome!
My son loved hearing the heartbeat :)
So here's the thing. According to ovulation and everything I'm right at 9 weeks and 2 days.
According to the ultrasound the baby is only measuring at 7 weeks and 2 days, which means I'm most likely only 7 weeks and 2 days along.
The doctor doesn't want to change my due date yet, but I'm pretty sure it's going to happen...I've got another appointment in three weeks to check the growth and see how everything looks, so we'll go from there.
Other than that the baby looks great, and has a very strong, fast heartbeat.
(The doctor said according to an old-wives tale, a faster heartbeat means a girl.
We're still pretty sure we're getting a boy, so we'll see).
Since we're not exactly sure now how far along I am, this will be the last pregnancy update until I have my next appointment. That way I can see where we are at.

*Just a tip for you, make sure you find a doctor YOU like.
Make sure you find someone who will address your concerns and listen.
The previous doctor I saw doesn't do any ultrasounds until about 17 weeks, (which is totally fine, you don't need an ultrasound right away), but I am glad I switched because now we know I'm not as far along as we thought. I know it's not that big of a deal, but I like knowing as much info as I can.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Kid approved activities :)

Hello all :)
We have been out and enjoying some sunshine in our neck of the woods.

We haven't been up to much crafting, but we have been coming up with many new games and activities for my little guy.
I thought I would take a moment to share them with you!

1. UNO adding
My husband and I have been talking about incorporating more math type games for our son.
When I saw this idea on Pinterest from E is for explore I knew I had to try it out.
My son loves this game!
You just need to pick out cards that will add up to a certain number.
We've done 10 and 5.

Numbers adding up to 10.
Matches include 6 and 4, 5 and 5, 7 and 3, 8 and 2, 9 and 1.
I showed all the 'matches' to my son before we started so he would know what to add up, and then flipped them all over.
Once you find two cards that add up to the answer you take them out and go again.

Friday, January 4, 2013

8 weeks

I'm now 8 weeks pregnant :)
So far so good! 
I noticed last week that I was feeling lightheaded and weak in the mornings, every morning, and mostly into the afternoon as well, and I thought to myself...morning sickness, NO!!!
But, I figured out a way around it! How did I manage this feat you might ask? 
Well, I have learned that I cannot go a long time without eating. 
If I do I start to feel very sick.
So, I am constantly eating small meals or snacks all day.
I thought to myself, "hmmm there is a little bean sized baby in there taking all of my food, and the time between dinner and breakfast is such a long stretch", so I had a 'LIGHTBULB' moment, I decided to eat a small snack right before I go to bed. 
Guess what?? 
I feel perfectly fine in the mornings now :)
No more feeling crappy all day, YAY!
Now, do I like eating right before bed? No.
Do I want to get in the habit of eating right before bed? Nope.
But, it's what my little baby needs right now, and so the sacrifice will be made!

Ok, on to the stats!
Weight gain/loss: I have actually already gained 1 pound!
Any sickness? Not anymore ;)
Cravings: Since we moved here to California, 4 months ago, I found out they have a Cafe Rio here, and I've been craving it this whole time, so this week we finally went :). Since fulfilling that craving, I've been wanting Cashew Chicken...anyone have a good recipe to share??
Events: We actually went to the doctor yesterday for our first appointment. I took our son to the appointment, and we were so excited to hear the heartbeat! 
When we got there we found out this doctor's office doesn't do any ultrasounds until 20 weeks :(
My son and I were both pretty bummed.
Long story short we weren't as thrilled with the whole visit, so we are going to see a new doctor next week!
And they do ultrasounds, so we'll get to hear the baby next week :)